#!/bin/bash # #------------------------------------------------ # Batch settings on supercomputer #------------------------------------------------ #PBS -N sp_int2lm #PBS -l select=2:ncpus=32:mpiprocs=12 #PBS -l walltime=00:05:00 #PBS -o output #PBS -e output #PBS -A ntnu919 module load mpt/2.13 module load intelcomp/16.0.1 module load grib/1.14.5 module load cdo/1.7.0 module switch mpt/2.13 mpt/2.14 module load hdf5/1.8.18 module switch intelcomp/16.0.1 intelcomp/17.0.0 module load netcdf/4.4.1 export FORT_BUFFERED=true export decfort_dump_flag=true export MXM_LOG_LEVEL=ERROR set -e #### !!!! Adopt this directory !!!! SPDIR=/work/xiangph/CCLM/cclm-sp cd ${SPDIR}/step_by_step/gcm_to_cclm/log_int2lm # clean the directory rm -rf I* O* Y* NPX=4 NPY=6 NPIO=0 NP1=`expr $NPX \* $NPY` NP=`expr $NP1 + $NPIO` ################################################# # cat together the INPUT*-files ################################################# cat > INPUT <<** &CONTRL ydate_ini='2000010100', hstart=0.0, hstop=744, hincbound=6, yinput_model='CM', itype_ndvi=1, itype_aerosol = 2, itype_albedo=1, idbg_level=5, itype_calendar = 0, itype_rootdp = 4, itype_t_cl = 1, itype_w_so_rel = 1, l_cressman = .FALSE., lbdclim = .TRUE., lboundaries =.TRUE., lfilter_oro=.FALSE., lforest = .TRUE., linitial=.TRUE., lmulti_layer_in = .TRUE., lmulti_layer_lm = .TRUE., lprog_qi = .FALSE., lreorder = .TRUE., lsso = .TRUE., ltime_mean = .TRUE., luse_t_skin = .TRUE., nincwait = 5, nmaxwait = 20, nprocx = ${NPX}, nprocy = ${NPY}, /END &GRID_IN pcontrol_fi =30000., ie_in_tot = 192, je_in_tot = 94, ke_in_tot = 28, startlat_in_tot = -88.542, startlon_in_tot = -180., endlat_in_tot = 88.542, endlon_in_tot = 178.125, pollat_in = 90.0, pollon_in = 180.0, lushift_in=.FALSE.,.FALSE., lvshift_in=.FALSE.,.FALSE., ke_soil_in=1, czml_soil_in=0.05, 1.05, /END &LMGRID ivctype = 2, irefatm = 2, ielm_tot=101, jelm_tot=111, kelm_tot=40, pollat = 39.25, pollon = -162.0, dlon=0.44, dlat=0.44, startlat_tot = -24.09, startlon_tot = -25.13, ke_soil_lm=9, czml_soil_lm = 0.005,0.025,0.07,0.16,0.34,0.7,1.42,2.86,5.74,11.5, /END &DATABASE / &DATA yinput_type='analysis', ytunit_in='d', ytunit_out='d', ylmext_form_read='ncdf', yinext_form_read='ncdf', yin_form_read='ncdf', ylm_form_write='ncdf', ie_ext=105, je_ext=115, ylmext_lfn='europe_0440.nc', ylmext_cat='${SPDIR}/data/ext/', yinext_lfn='caf2000010100.nc', yinext_cat='${SPDIR}/data/gcm/ncep/2000_01', yin_cat='${SPDIR}/data/gcm/ncep/2000_01', ylm_cat='${SPDIR}/step_by_step/gcm_to_cclm/data/int2lm_output/', nprocess_ini = 131, nprocess_bd = 132, /END &PRICTR igp_tot = 36, jgp_tot = 30, lchkin=.TRUE., lchkout=.TRUE., /END ** ################################################# # run the program ################################################# # you have to adapt the way how to invoke the binary export MPI_COREDUMP=FIRST echo ----- start INT2CLM mpiexec_mpt -stats ${SPDIR}/src/int2lm/bin/int2lm.exe echo ----- INT2CLM finished