# # preliminary recommendation for CCLM compiler options on VILJE # change compiler, options and libraries according to your needs # #... MPI #MPI_LIB = /sw/sgi/mpt/mpt-2.14/lib #... netCDF NETCDF_ROOT = /sw/sdev/Modules/netcdf/netcdf-4.4.1/ HDF5_ROOT = /sw/sdev/Modules/hdf5/hdf5-1.8.18 SZIP_ROOT = /work/bjornlin/local/libaec-0.3.2 GRIB_ROOT = /sw/sdev/Modules/grib/grib-1.14.5 MPI_ROOT = /sw/sgi/mpt/mpt-2.14 # NC_INC = -I${NETCDF_ROOT}/include MPI_INC = -I${MPI_ROOT}/include NC_LIB = -L${NETCDF_ROOT}/lib -lnetcdff NC_LIB += -L${NETCDF_ROOT}/lib -lnetcdf NC_LIB += -L${HDF5_ROOT}/lib -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -lz NC_LIB += -L${SZIP_ROOT}/lib -lsz -lm GRIB_LIB = -L${GRIB_ROOT}/lib -lgrib_api_f90 -lgrib_api_f77 -lgrib_api MPI_LIB = -L${MPI_ROOT}/lib -lmpi # # # name and path of standard binary to be produced PROGRAM = bin/cclm.exe # # compiler, options and libraries # F90 = ifort CPPFLAGS = -DNETCDF # separator is compiler dependend (e.g. comma or blank) # for purposes of first tests you may use in addition to the option below the options -fpe0 -traceback COMFLG = -c -cpp -Os -no-vec -fp-model source $(CPPFLAGS) $(MPI_INC) ${NC_INC} -I$(SRCDIR) COMFLG1 = $(COMFLG) COMFLG2 = $(COMFLG) COMFLG3 = $(COMFLG) COMFLG4 = $(COMFLG) # COMFLG5 = $(COMFLG) # COMFLG6 = $(COMFLG) LDSEQ = ${F90} LDPAR = ${F90} LDFLG = -I$(SRCDIR) LIB = ${GRIB_LIB} ${NC_LIB} ${MPI_LIB} ${OTHLIBS1} LIB += -Wl,-rpath,$(NETCDF_ROOT)/lib:$(MPI_ROOT)/lib:$(HDF5_ROOT)/lib:$(SZIP_ROOT)/lib